CV Warehouse
Term && Conditions
The website Terms and Conditions shall guide your conduct as you use this website

The website Terms and Conditions shall guide your conduct as you use this website, including all the pages/virtual services within this website. These Terms take effect from the point of first use and continuing on it, you unequivocally accept to abide by all the Terms and Conditions stated, in full. You may not use this website if you object to any part of the terms contained herein.
CV Warehouse is not a recruitment entity and therefore, does not guarantee interviews or employment. As an online/web-based CV provider, Job hunting, Career coach, we shall provide companies in our database with your information and profiles. The decision to call you for an interview is exclusively a company’s or recruiters’ choice.
You may only make payments upon express instruction from CV Warehouse to do so. Payments mean agreement to the stipulated terms and conditions and are not subject to refund or credit voucher. One payment, whether normal or express/Urgent service, is for one single service only..
Personal data shared with us by clients are kept private and will only be shared with companies listed in our database unless there are options to fulfill positions. CV Warehouse is allowed to make necessary changes to a client’s registration for better presentation and legibility..
Clients are liable for consequences arising from the upload of files to the current employer or to the CV Warehouse database. Yet we try best to distribute as per client need and avoid sending CV to current employer. It is thus advised that clients read and understand the services offered in this website before making any payment.
In lieu of refund, one transferrable credit voucher with one (1) week validity from date of issue will be issued only if the error lies with CV Warehouse. This credit voucher is equivalent to only one (1) service, as well. (All virtual services will not be refunded after service in case of un-satisfaction)
· and is a copyright of CV Warehouse Global. Thus, no part of this website may be used by another party without the expressly written consent of CV Warehouse. In the absence of contractual agreement between CV Warehouse and other agents, any infringement of copyright laws shall be subject to laws.
You are warned to be cautious when handling external links provided in this website as you would when dealing with other links. CV Warehouse will not liable for any consequence arising from the use of contents of external links contained herein. The policies and contents of external links are not part in any way of the policies of CV Warehouse.
CV Warehouse is a customer-centric entity which is always seeking innovative ways to make customer enjoy maximum service experience as they use our platforms. Hence, internal technical updates will proceed. The contents of this website and company policies may change, without prior notice. You are therefore advised to review these terms and conditions from time to time as continued usage of the services provided by the website means that you have agreed to be bound by the modified terms and policies.
CV Warehouse has express right to refuse the processing of registration or payments that are not in line with our set procedures which are contained in this website..
CV Warehouse will not reply to queries the answers to which are already listed in the website or sent by email confirmation. CV Warehouse reserves the right not to answer queries using abusive language and the right to permanently block the access of such users.
Purchase delivery time is specified between two (2)-thirty (30) days.
We would like to hear from. Feel free to contact us via email at
CV Distribution
CV Warehouse, an online/web-based CV provider, claims no guarantee of calls for interview or employment. Companies with whom your files are shared reserve full rights to decide who gets contacted for a placement.
One payment gives you access to one upload only, non-regardless of the type of service- normal or express. You should only make payments when you have been asked to do so. CV Warehouse offers no refunds for payments made without permission, as payments indicate agreement to the terms and conditions stipulated in this website.
Clients’ CV and/ or portfolio are liable to being shared with companies in our database, upon payment. All personal information is treated as restricted but may however, be improved for acceptability. Your Personal details will never be shared for reasons other than these that have been mentioned herein.
Client must have read and understood the services offered by the website before making any payment. Payments indicate that a client is satisfied with CV provided and has agrees that it may be shared with third party companies. To this effect, CV Warehouse will not be held accountable for any event arising from upload of files to our database or to the company.
Successful upload of client’s CV closes the transaction between CV Warehouse and a client. If errors which arise are investigated and retraceable to CV Warehouse, a transferrable credit voucher with one (1) year validity from the date of issue will be issued instead of a refund. Only one upload can be accessed using this credit voucher.
This website is copyrighted and at such, no portion of it may be used by another agent in the absence of a written contractual agreement between the agent and CV Warehouse. All infringement of copyright laws or cause of altercation shall be liable to punishment under Inter laws.
You shall observe the customary caution when visiting the external links provided in this website. CV Warehouse claims no liability for the policies and contents of external links herein as they are not part in any way of the policies of CV Warehouse.
CV warehouse may update internal technicalities from time to time as advancements and improvements are consistently being made to give you the best CV distribution service imaginable. Thus, the contents of this website and company policies may change without prior notice. Substantial changes of policies will be made known to you. You must however review the terms and conditions from time to time as continual usage of the services provided by this website are evident that you agree to and abide to the modified terms and conditions.
CV Warehouse reserves the right limit the processing of any registration or payment that does not follow our set procedures
Purchase delivery time is specified between two (2)-thirty (30) days.
We want you to have the best CV solution and so if you have problems with your order, please contact us via email at
Professional CV Writing & Editing
CV Warehouse, is an online/web-based CV editing service responsible for editing, rewriting and returning CVs to clients, solely. It is not a recruitment entity and hence, does not guarantee any calls for interview or employment.
We offer unlimited revision for Professional Resume writing services
Once returned to client, the edited CV is considered final and not subject to appeal or reconsideration (after both clients and CV warehouse agree on final draft)
Refunds are not being issue but will satisfy you till you will be happy from your new CV
Purchase delivery time is between two (1) to thirty (15) days for all services. The specific duration is dependent on whether a normal or express service was ordered.
Professional Consultation (Ask Us)
Answers provided to clients are based on our professional opinion only and should not be taken to be a rule or a norm in any situation as our solutions are dynamic and usually reflect the particular issues upon which enquiries are being made.
Note that rejoinders may vary on case to case basis.
Once consultation begins, questions will be answered within a window of 48 hours. No questions will be answered after the lapse of the 48-hour period.
The client is assumed to have read and understood the framework of the consultation service as stated in this website before making any payment
CV Warehouse may decide to forfeit the advancement of any registration or payment for professional consultation services that do not follow our set procedures.
Business Card (Biz-Card) and Portfolio (Profile) Distribution
This service is only available to those who have their OWN VISA and work as FREELANCERS or CONSULTANTS and whose distribution is in the nature of a PLACEMENT SEARCH. CV Warehouse reserves the right to reject individual applications which do not satisfy these basic requirements. CV Warehouse is only responsible for sending your business card and portfolio to the email addresses of the companies in our database. It is solely the discretion of these companies if you will be called for an interview. We do not guarantee any calls for interview or employment.
CV Warehouse will protect any information shared by clients. Clients’ business cards and/ or portfolio shall be shared only with companies in our database as soon as payments have been made. Upon discretion, we may make changes to clients’ registration and files to make them fit for application.
Under no circumstance shall CV Warehouse be held responsible for events which result from upload of files to the current employer or to the CV Warehouse database. Before making payments, clients must have read the CV/Cards Distribution service offered in this website.
For any inquiry email at